Hai dan Hello !

Saya ada cerita baru untuk awak. Selamat membaca dan semoga terhibur :)


Terima kasih beribu lemon kerana singgah ke blog saya yang serba kekurangan ni.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PBAKL 2012

Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2012
is just around the corner,
coming soon in 2 weeks' time.
Don't forget to mark these dates in your calendar!


I've an announcement to make 
*insert drum roll*

tribute to those who miss 'Beautiful Night'

untuk baca bab awal, klik sini

Pesanan Bulanhijau : Jangan lupa tarik senyum merekah sampai langit =)
untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai di sebalik tabir Senyum Sampai Langit, klik sini


  1. subhanAllah!!!
    dan TAHNIAH cik Bulanhijau!!!
    i'm so so so happy and jeles. heee...
    i'm sure to buy one! InsyaAllah!

    1. Hahahaha ! terkejut tak ? terkejut tak ?
      Kekekekek ;D

      Thanks love !

  2. hehehe...

    big hugs utk adik manis~~ :)

  3. hi,,dlm proses 'bercinta' dengan senyum sampai langit,,
    bace intro dekat JS,,dh buat excited nk pergi PWTC to buy it,,berbaloi kot dr trg to KL for get this.hehe
    keep up n congrate,,
    mau senyum sampai langit :)

  4. memang senyum sepanjang masa la nak ngabiskan Senyum sampai Langit awak tu, Cik Penulis. Thanks for writing and share with us the story.


  5. dah baca dannn ,,, ermm ,
    saya suka Aqil , tapi :...

  6. Dah baca juga. Tp,, its typical but you try to make it atypical. Good work for trying but i have had enough the same flow of story.. The issues in your novel,, it's too common. And i don't want your 'buah tangan' a kind of commoner. Be special bulanhijau. I'm looking forward to your new printed version novel. I guess me and your fans think the same too. All the best syasyaja ;)

  7. Hello there, thanks for the comment yeah. Yupp, there's a lot that need an improvement and insyaAllah my second manuscript will be much better than this one. Pray for me :)
